Saturday, November 30, 2013

The Politics of Immigration Reform Continue to Churn

GOP promise of immigration reform fades a year after election

Despite the importance of the Latino vote, divisions among Republicans leave immigration reform at a standstill.,0,3679179.story#ixzz2m9zcFb5t

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Smart Immigration Reform Can Help Cleveland And Other Rust Belt Cities Reboot

yes, smart immigration reform can CREATE a whole new generation of American jobs....."Rubio sees his immigration plan as something that can spur economic growth.   "I'm a big believer in family based immigration," Rubio told the Journal. "But I don't think that in the 21st century we can continue to have an immigration system where only 6.5 percent of people who come here, come here based on labor and skill. We have to move toward merit and skill-based immigration."